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"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

Technology plays a vital role in modern society as it is heavily integrated into every sector. Not only does it affect the way we communicate, learn, and work, but the continuous innovations from artificial intelligence, Saas, IoT, to self-driving technologies are revolutionizing the world. The push towards digitalization has led to the increasing adoption of technology among corporations and consumers. In 2021, the global tech industry was estimated to be valued at $5 trillion, with the U.S. holding a third of its market share. Being the largest single segment of the market, technology plays a significant role in the capital markets—with the Big Five Tech Giants capturing 15% of the S&P 500 index.

Ranked as one of the top-performing asset classes throughout history, the real estate market is a massive industry generating billions of dollars in annual revenue. Although its market performance fluctuates depending on macroeconomic trends, real estate is a fairly promising industry due to the infinite demand for office locations and homes. This factor not only provides a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to capitalize on, but it promises a steady flow of income for real estate investors. In fact, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have exceeded $3 trillion in gross assets in the U.S. Moreover, over 145 million become a popular investment choice among retail investors to generate income without having to directly purchase property, and have of U.S. homes are invested in either REIT mutual funds or ETFs.

The global pandemic has left an impact on all our lives, especially on mental wellbeing. Lockdown and social isolation have led to a spike in mental health issues among the general population. According to decades of research, psychedelics have been proven effective in treating mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. With the potential to revolutionize mental healthcare, there has been a surge of biotech startups and healthcare giants, such as Johnson & Johnson, receiving approval from the Food and Drug Administration to conduct several clinical trials with LSD, Ketamine, and psilocybin for mental health treatment. Followed by the legalization and decriminalization of Psychedelics in US cities including California, Denver and Oregon, the industry has been on the rise with an estimated projection to reach $10 Billion USD by 2027.

Although the real estate industry is the world’s largest asset class, it has been experiencing a delay in technology integrations. However, with the rise of property technology (PropTech) market, there have been many new startups innovating the commercial real estate landscape. They are minimizing inefficiencies through developing software and applications to improve the way property is built, maintained and purchased. Venture capitalists are recognizing the prospects in the digital transformation of the industry, with investments exceeding $10 billion (2019) in the U.S. market alone.

The Plant-Based industry has grown exponentially with sales rising by 43% over the past two years, surpassing $7 billion in 2021. This market is driven by the prevailing cultural shift towards veganism; attributed to health concerns and rising awareness of relevant ethical and environmental issues surrounding meat consumption. Consumers are becoming more educated about the nutritional benefits of a plant-based diet and the diseases associated with animal-based meat such as diabetes and heart disease. Furthermore, ethical concerns arise from animal abuse in farming practices alongside heavy methane emissions breaking down the atmosphere.

The mining industry consists of the extraction and processing of natural resources from global mineral reserves. This sector plays a major role in the economy as it provides the foundation for almost every other industry. For example, the mining of metals is extremely important for high-tech applications. The mining industry is heavily influenced by global economic conditions. They rely on other industries to use their resources and experience downturns during recessions. However, as the economy continues to grow, the demand for minerals and consumption per capita increases, while available supply is becoming scarce. Thus, the mining industry has been a preferred long-term investment choice among institutional and retail investors.

The healthcare sector contains a wide range of businesses, including pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, healthcare facilities, and other provisions for patients. They are growing at a faster rate than the entire global economy, with over $7.8 trillion invested in the sector. Accounting for nearly one-fifth of the GDP, healthcare is by far one of the largest sectors in the U.S. economy. Healthcare has many attractive qualities and growth prospects that deem it a popular investment selection. Firstly, healthcare costs and spending rates have been rising due to reasons such as the ageing boomer population and support backed by the government.

Fintech is a newly emerging industry integrating technology into financial services and applications to enhance the consumer experience. It serves various markets including retail banking, fundraising, and investment management. The rise of Fintech start-ups has revolutionized the banking industry through payment systems like PayPal to bitcoin cryptocurrencies. Declared as one of the fastest-growing industries in the 21st century, the Global Fintech market value is anticipated to reach $305 billion by 2025, with an expected CAGR of 20%. Fintech is not only revolutionizing the financial industry, but is also improving our lives in many way through enhancing efficiencies and experiences.

Extended reality (XR) is innovating the way we shop, entertain, and work. It offers a full spectrum of experiences from virtual reality (VR) , augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality. Although the AR and VR markets are relatively niche products, the majority of big technology companies including Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft have been investing in this rising sector in the past few years. With the boom of this industry, global spending is anticipated to reach $73 billion by 2024, supported by a CAGR of 55% between 2020 and 2024 according to Research and Markets. The rapid transformation of digital technology allows for the integration of extended reality into our real-world applications.

eSports refers to the competitive video gaming among both professional and amateur gamers. Over time, eSports has evolved into its own sports category, transforming a niche market into a mainstream form of entertainment. These competitive gaming events revolutionized entertainment culture, especially among male millennials. A few notable companies that have made a large impact in the rising popularity of eSports include Electronic Arts Inc. and Nintendo Co. Despite the COVID lockdown taking a tremendous toll on the economy, it limited access to entertainment options which helped the eSports industry thrive. This resulted in a global 50% increase from 2020 valued at 1.08 billion USD in 2021, forecasted to grow to 1.62 Billion by 2024.

Cannabis is the most extensively cultivated, distributed, and consumed drug today. It is also one of the world’s fastest-growing industries, primarily due to the newly discovered medical benefits of CBD (a chemical compound found in cannabis). Cannabis is being used to treat chronic illnesses such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. This has led to the recent legalization of cannabis in many different countries, including Canada and 35 US states—permitting both recreational and medical usages in some. This legalization along with the increase in consumer demand in the U.S. market has demonstrated the potential for long-term growth in the cannabis industry.
